Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What jobs would they grant visas for in Japan? about modeling? (besides a English teacher)?

Is there any jobs that I can get a visa for that pay pretty well? nursing paycheck sucks.

I want to be a model in Japan..besides I am 5'5 so I can get jobs there right? I like modeling that's why I want to do it, if I became a model that's the only job that I don't care what the pay check is because I enjoy it.

I heard that they have two types of agencies, one for Japanese and the other for foreigners. But the one for foreigners is for blonde hair and blue eyes and I'm hispanic and Asian.

What jobs would they grant visas for in Japan? about modeling? (besides a English teacher)?

hey!:) that's what i thought you should do about modelling from the first time i saw your pics really look exotic! anyways...i might be out of topic here but do you think i can get in touch with u sometimes, could either be through myspace etc...let me know :)'s mine:

What jobs would they grant visas for in Japan? about modeling? (besides a English teacher)?

As far as I've seen, many of the jobs for non-Japanese models seem to be for all american type, which is blonde hair and blue eyes like you said. And if you are interested in runway the requirement for height is pretty much like it is in the US, over 5'7 or even 5'9.

Getting a VISA doing modeling, you must have a solid job offer first, or a strong agency that is willing to go through all the paper work for you to obtain a VISA.

If you already have a lot of modeling experience, why not give it a try?

What jobs would they grant visas for in Japan? about modeling? (besides a English teacher)?

It's not like you get a visa for some general area, then go to Japan and find a job.

You have to have a job before you go to Japan and someone sponsors your visa application, then you get the visa.

Another option would be to go over as an English teacher and do modeling in your spare time. Maybe it could turn into a full-time gig, but not likely.

Most Japanese, especially fashion-conscious ones, like things to be new new new. If you hang around, you'll be old old old. So, you have to go beyond modeling. You have to become fluent in Japanese like Thane Camus and be prepared to be told how great your chopstick usage is for the rest of your life.

Or, just be a normal person and forget all that ego stuff.

What jobs would they grant visas for in Japan? about modeling? (besides a English teacher)?

If you can acquire an agent in Japan while your in your home country you'll have a better chance at saving more money. Go onto Google and search "Modeling in Japan". If you fail at getting an agent apply for a visiting VISA. This VISA will allow you to stay in Japan for a period of 3 months.

If you can speak Japanese fluently or at least can read it. I'd recommend becoming an interpreter or translator. These pay good money (especially the interpreter). If your heart is for modeling there is always agencies in Tokyo that you can look into. If your part Asian you'll be likely to be accepted for a job.

Hope this helps :)

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