Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Should I quit my job?

I have been working there for two years, however they play favorites and I think they are discriminating against me because of my race. It is in a small town and I am half black half asian. In the entire history of the place I work at, there has been one other asian (employed for 9 months before being fired because her school schedule did not cooperate with the work schedule) and 9 african americans, all of which worked low positions. As mentioned before, I have been employed for 2 (almost 3) years and another girl has been working there for 1 1/2 years. She is the typical american beauty, blonde hair, blue eyes, tan, skinny and she's managed to charm everyone there. We were both making $8.75 an hour until last week when we got our raises when she got raised up to $9.35 and I got $9 even. When I asked why I didnt get a good raise (my job record is PERFECT always punctual, minimal errors in my work, etc) they just said that it was a good raise and I should be thankful...(cont)

Should I quit my job?

they are seriously superficial!! don't worry about what goes on witrh the other employees, unless of course, you can muster up a good plan that will get her fired..

also be sure to let your super know when you do something good, be just as charming and work just as much as you do already.. keeping your boss up to date on your good work will get you miles!!

Should I quit my job?

Yeah!! and even if you do quit, they'll see that you're a good worker on your next app. you could even ask your boss to write a reccomendation laeeter for you, that'd get you in real good!! Report It

Should I quit my job?

If you don't feel appreciated-leave. Depending on where you live $9.00 isn't that good. Not in Calif. Someone could use your good work ethnics somewhere else.

Should I quit my job?

dont quit you have got to speak up and fight it tell where you work may be people will boycott

Should I quit my job?


You should mind your buisiness only and also try to mix up according to your seniority, Remember that you must get the result of your good actions so dont discourage yourself and be your good friend.

Manoj Pathak

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