Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

I dont think I'm better than anyone, but every negative comment about my hair comes from black women. I wear my hair natural in a somewhat dreadlock style. My hair is short/medium. I comb %26amp; re-do it every 4-6 wks. I get compliments from white %26amp; asian women, white %26amp; black men but black women always have negative things to say. "You need a perm" "I can tell you dont comb your hair" "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR??" "You look like you belong in the 70's" -- a black lady told me I should wear a daishiki %26amp; platform shoes %26amp; then she started doing a 70's dance, making fun of my hair. Another black lady told me she "dont like" my hair. It hurts my feelings but I dont say anything because I dont want to argue. But it makes me mad %26amp; baffles me why I get this from BLACK WOMEN, when their hair is the same as mine, only theirs may be permed or weaved or in extensions.

Why am I being made fun of by black women about my black hair when they have the same black skin and black hair?

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

Don't worry about what other people think about you. They are showing their rudeness and ignorance by even saying anything to you about how you look. I think it is great that you want to be natural. I wish more women were that way. Why do we always have to change ourselves, lets be happy with the way God made us and show society we can be natural and beautiful too. Besides, I would say those women who ridicule you are just jealous that you are confident enough to be your natural, beautiful self.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

tell em to f off they are jealous, their hair is probably rotting out.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

I don't know why but it does sound like you are running into some incredibly rude people. Sounds like they are the ones with the problems....not your hair!!

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

well dont think much about what they comment cause if u think allot about their comments you would loose confidense in yourself.. if u think u look great that means u look great.... Have a great day ...

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

you neva know they might be really jealous of you and they jus want to make it seem as if they are trying to correct you when they'r not dear....

sumtymes it might be just the cocky type ones u know!!!! i get that a lot .... gd luk!!!!!

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

Ignore those stupid women!!!! Maybe they are jealous that you can get away from the natural look. Honey, don't worry about stupid ignorant comments! Some people even wear dreads for religious reasons, so their comments are ignorant and insensative. Be the better woman and ignore are better off.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

Anyone that comments negatively on my look, whether it's my hair, a shirt, shoes, I always say the same thing:

"I don't like your look either, but I'm not complaining."

That always shuts people up.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

you are very comfortable on your own skin and that is why people gets gelouses of you, dont let it bathers you,becouse there is lots of people unhappy in this world.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

When they have black skin and black hair!!! What's that suppose to mean? When some body says or does somthing thing to hurt you why would u lash out at the whole race. I think that very rude to say their hair is permed or weaved thats none of ur business your only worry should be about your own hair and theirs on their hair. If it bothers you on what people think about your hair change it. Don't sit here and cry about it and broadcast it so that u can get negative views about black woman. Cause you said "Why is it some black women who hates on me?" You could have said "Why is it SOME black women who hates on me?"

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

What kind of people are you hanging around? I really can't believe all of these comments considering the fact that I'm a black women with long straight hair that is mine with no perm. I have a nice grade of hair and none of my friends or people off of the street have ever said anything negative to me about my hair. They do ask if its mine and when I say yes than they say its beautiful. So I really don't know how true this story is.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

Maybe your wearing dreadlocks as a fashion statement, and that not what dreadlocks are not worn to be a fashion statement.

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

I know exactly how you feel because I was teased about my hair in middle school by only black females.

But to answer your question, you are being made fun of because those black women play into the mainstream mentality that having straight, long hair is attractive, and kinky hair is unattractive and "nappy." Why do you think that the black hair care industry is so huge generating millions if not billions of dollars?

I hate to say its a self-esteem or self hating issue but sometimes it passes off that way. Even some relatives of mine would lightly tease me about my hair being thick.

But you know what, I LOVE my hair and i am smart and confident enough not to fall into what mainstream media says is acceptable. I wasn't always like this, I used to think that I had "bad" hair until I've seen pictures of my aunt who had died. She had thick hair and she had a dark complexion. But you know what, she one of the most beautiful woman that I have seen.

So don't let those black women put you down about your hair. And if there are black women out there(and I know that there are tons) who are dissatisfied with the media portraying beautiful women as "light skinned" "straight long hair" and "skinny", think twice before puting down and pointing at your sista for wearing her hair natural, or for her being several shades darker than you because then you will start to really believe in those "typical beautiful women images."

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

I have had similar experiences in the past in terms of people, especially black people, making fun of me because of my hair. As a young child I didn't have a perm...I got teased by everyone...most especially lack people. We have been made to believe that certain features that have been categorized as "black features" are not beautiful. We've been brainwashed so badly that we are our own worst critic/enemy. I went through the whole perm to natural to braids to weaves/wigs...Now I actually have extensions...but the are dread/twisty extensions. I figure hey, regardless of if I keep my hair natural or not, at least I'm going to represent my texture. And I do rock it! I get compliments from everyone now (including black people). But I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't like my hair. Who cares! They aren't the ones washing, combing, fixing, buying, straightening it! Girl, rock your style. Be you! I personally love when black women wear it natural or even cut it short short! My sister recently shaved her head and she looks absolutely stunning. Trust me, there are many black women out there who won't hate on fact, they will congratulate you for not being a victim of the beauty standards that we are bombarded with every day.

Hope this helps...

Why is it always a Black Woman who hates on me?

I agree with you, I see this crap all the time. Don't make eye contact with Black girls they are always looking for a fight. I started ignoring Black girls a long time ago and they KNOW it's because I think they're ghetto and rude. Make them WORK for your attention, and they better work three months for it too. These Black women are ashamed of being Black, and when they see another Black woman, it reminds them that they are Black, and they don't like being reminded that they are Black. That's why they have to hang around all Black people to feel Black because they know in their hearts they don't know who they are, they can't make friends with White people because then they wouldn't feel Black anymore. I see this all the time among Black females they try so hard to be White and perm their hair. Just tell them you will perm your hair when they bleach their skin since they want to be White so bad. THAT will make them think. Say if they find straight hair more attractive, that you find light skin more attractive. Better not to say it to their face, just write nasty things about them on the bathroom wall. Say that you will stop being racist when they stop being racist. Tell them also that you don't like big monkey lips and why do they resemble zoo animals. But again, not to their face.

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