Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?


Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

its hot man.. dont mess with a good thing

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

They don't think they're white, maybe the just LIKE the color on them.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

I dont think it about that i think with any women they like to experiment with their hair its a way to reinvent ourselves. u never gonna know what looks good on u if u dont try it!

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Because it's different, just like white women spend hours and hours in the sun and in the tanning beds getting skin cancer.

And why blondes want to be brunettes,

and brunettes blondes.

People never are happy with what they are.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

I guess for the same reason white women spend billions each year on tanning salons, creme, oils and the rest thinking they black or of the brown race. I'm not racist, just stating a fact

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

.for the same reason old bald guys wear toupees and straight haired girls curl theirs!... just envy.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Letmesurpriseu has a good point.

It seems that in terms of beauty, a lot of people are always trying to be something they're not.

Some people change their skin color, some change their hair color.

It's just how it is.

Maybe they just LIKE how it looks on them.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

I would imagine it would be for the same reason as white women dye their hair red, black , tipped. even green and pink .....for a change and/or to be an individual

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Did someone say to you they think they are white? Some people no matter what their race or creed just like to dye their hair, no matter blond or whatever. Some think they are more attractive and appealing.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

why do white women spend millions of dollars on plastic surgery to get lip have full lips like ours. and why do they get butt implants?? have curvy sensual shapes like ours. why do they try to darken their skin with self tanners and all that crap??? be like us. why do they spend thousands of dollars getting hair extensions???...we were the originators!!! Think about that!

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Am an Asian girl and that is soo true. I have seen tons of Asian girls with blonde streaks which do not suit them. Their skin colour suits darker hair...brown or black hair. Then again saying that whatever makes you feel better about yourself. I just want them to be proud of who they are and what they were born with.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

I don't think that any ethnicity does anything to "try" and be what they're not. I'm Caucasian and I go to tanning salons.......not because I'm trying to be black but because a little color suits me. I get Restalyne injections in my lips and marionette lines..........not because I'm trying to be black but because as we age we lose the fullness in our face in general and it gives a more youthful appearance. I also color my hair because I can and God does not always give us what looks best on us!

I have many African American and Asian clients who experiment with hair color. NOT because they're trying to be ANYTHING other than what they are..............just that much more beautiful!

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

no idea, but it's freakin ugly.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Why do white women braid their hair thinking they are black? They just see a style they like and try it, some african american people actually have blond hair or sandy hair, did you ever think of that too?

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

Why do white people tan themselves to be closer to black or any other dark complexion? Answer that one first then think about it like this, we are people with the right to do what we want, so that mean its their business, not necessarily because they want to be like someone else. I advise you to get on the 12 mth plan, 6mths to mind your own business and 6mths to leave theirs alone.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

why do you really care.....your very bord huh??

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

It has nothing to do with wanting to be white they just like the color. Even white people die their hair Blond. Only an ingnorant person would ask such such a dumb question.

Why do african and asian women dye there hair blonde thinking they are white?

cause it look good on some black people not all.

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