i hear this all the time, and i was wondering if it really was true.
i'm black, but i have what people at school call "asian eyes", reddish skin (not redbone), and i have long, curly hair. both of my parents are black though.
so, are we really all mixed with something?
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
Most of the world's population got a little "something something" in them
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
I believe so cause I am mixed with Indian.
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
i dont know if im mix with something
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
Yes, more than likely, your ancestry is mixed with many different ethnicities. If you are black (and although your parents are black), consider your grandparents, their parents, their parents, etc.
When meet or look at pictures of African people, notice how you do not look like them. I am the same color as my avatar, but I do not look like Africans. Our features and bone structure are different, although my ancestry is black, just like theirs. I know that my great,great,great grandfather was white and my grandfather was part or half Indian. All of the mixing of races comes out in your features. You know that racially speaking, African people do not have asian eyes, reddish skin, or curly hair, so those are genes from previous ancestry coming through.
You are still an African-American and be proud of it. We come in all shades and colors from "redbone" to deep ebony. Love yourself be proud of who you are.
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
i believe so. trace your family tree way back. do you think that long ago 2 people from africa had a kid, and that kid had a kid with a guy from the same part of africa, and so on...its unlikely. but totally possible. ask your parents, or search your lineage online!
odd how you say you are black, but your skin is red. perhaps a bit of indian??
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
every human being has fifty percent of both parents genes and if you trace back your lineage far enough, you will indeed find a mix worthy of planter's party nuts!
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
I am mixed. I am mostly American Indian, but due to my Dads side, I look white! I have German, Irish, Scottish, English (all on my Dads side) mixed in with Choctaw, Blackfoot and Cherokee (all from my Moms side).
I don't look it. My Mom does!
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
We are all descendants from Adam and children of God. So it's no wonder, check into Focus on The Family, they have done a study on the races and you'd be surprised how close we all are to one another.
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
well my parents had black and native american in their families. my father had some white, so that makes me like....
75% black,24% native american,and 1% white lol!!
people used to ask me all the time...are you mixed? are you white? its like are they idiots!? I may have long hair but I sure do need those chemicals to keep it straight! cause my hair will get nappy!
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
It's probably true, except for people in isolated genetic pockets like tribal villages.
When I let my beard grow out (my wife has put a stop to that),
(1) It is truly ugly, stiff, and bushy.
(2) It came out mostly brown, but there were also hairs that were
an ugly mousy tan or beige color
a deep, coppery red (some of my ancestry is Scottish)
I can't prove it, but I think we have some Black African in us, too. My little brother has such a 'fro that I could throw a Velcro ball at it and it would stick there. I have really full lips that wouldn't look out of place in a Black stereotype, either.
I have almond shaped eyes as well, but without the epicanthic fold that people associate with Asians. I wonder if there's some Native American in me, too, at least from the Western tribes.
My brothers married Hispanics, one of them a Puerto Rican woman, and I married a Taiwanese woman. Why not? I think I can be excused for saying that the children from mixed marriages usually end up really good looking (OK, OK, so I'm a dad).
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
You know what amazes me?
They say black people ruin the white genetic line, but when a mixed person marries white and all generations marry white, black features disappear for good but if a black marries a mixed person and all there generations marry black we get lightskinned blacks some with blue eyes.......even red hair.
Wierd huh?
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
Yes, we all are
Is it true that we are all mixed with something?
i sure think so. I am spanish/irish/indian(taino)/african. No one can tell my heritage just by looking at me. I get confused with indians alot. I embrace it.
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