Thursday, October 8, 2009

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

This is not a racist questions k . just curious.

My kids will have coloured eyes ??

Say if i were to marry someone with coloured eyes(blue/green/grey etc)

I have dark brown eyes

Both my parents have dark brown eyes too.

My 2nd brother has light brown and youngest brother has cinnommon mix of green coloured though.

The rest of my siblings has dark brown colour.

I'm south east asian not mixed blood that i know of by the way.

Dad side : All have brown eyes including grandparents

Mom side: Grandfather has greyish blue

Grandmother dark brown

Was told that most of my grandfather side previous descendants have green/grey

and blue eyes and even red/blond hair..

I believed that likely my kids will still have dark coloured eyes..

any experts here?

Whays yr eye colour??

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Go here and figure it out:


You probably are mixed somewhere btw because your grandfathers side did have green/gray eyes and red/blonde hair. Everyone really is mixed though so just saying...

To answer your question I have gray/blue eyes and my husband is the same ethnicity as you and our kids have extremely dark brown (almost black) eyes. We have a 13 % chance of green and a 13 % chance of blue and a 74 % chance of brown for our children - and they came out with dark brown.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

If you have brown eyes, don't count on you kid having anything else. There's a slim chance, but brown eye gene almost always beats out colored eye genes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

most likely dark eyes. I believe it's a dominant trait.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

I'm no expert but I know that dark brown over powers most colors

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Of course they will be coulored, whether brown or blue. What are you asking? Brown is dominant. If they get 1 brown gene their eyes will be brown. If they get all four genes blue, then they will be blue. I have blue eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Brown is a dominant eye color, but if there are other colored eyes anywhere in either parents families, there is a chance that your child will have colored eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

brown eyes are normaly dominate, you need a recessive for them to be another colour , while not being asian does increase teh chances of of other coloured eyes, you may well have the recsive gene

almost certainly brown

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

most likely they will also have brown eyes,

my ex had brown, my youngest son has brown

however my mum has green and dad blue and i have blue.

my elder son had and my daughter has blue as both my self and their father had blue..

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

What a stupid and ignorant question !

EVERYONE has 'coloured' eyes !!

Unless they don't have any eyes at all !

Sheesh !

What is brown if not a colour ??

And this is going to produce a child ??

Gawd help us all.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

my partner and i both have brown eyes our son was born with blue eyes which have now turned more green and our daughter has grey eyes both my partners dad and my grandmother have coloured eyes its called throw backs or something

but who really noes nobody can tell you thatbut good luck though.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Your kids may adopt some of the family characteristics where by some will have colored eyes and others will not therefore the probability is ahalf.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

My husband has blue eyes, I have brown ! Both our kids have brown eyes . Having said that, my brothers kids ( who also has brown eyes, his wife has blue ) have blue eyes ! It's hard to tell really, but they do mostly end up with brown eyes .

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

You could still have a child with light coloured eyes depending on who the child's father is to be. But if the child's father also has brown eyes, there is no chance that the child will not have brown eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

My grand daughters have blue eyes, blond hairs and brunette as well, Caucasian skin and I am south Indian and my wife is Caucasian. no one can guess their grandfather is an Indian.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

my husband and all his side of the family have blue i have hazel and one of my boys have brown eyes like me and the other has a mix of brown and bluey green

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

This is a genetics thing, dark genes are more dominent so the likely of you having kids with lighter colour eyes is quite slim but not impossible, my dad is blonde haired and blue eyed adn my mum is dark and both me and my brother are dark, you do find it happening though.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?


Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

well i have blue eyes and all three of my children have gorgeous blue eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

All eyes have color

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Genetics comes into play here, but the brown gene might carry through...

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

your kids probably will have color eyes.......if you go to school then ask a biology teacher.....she will probably give you a hint......

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

bend over and ill show you brown eyes

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

it all depends on if the baby has more of the mothers features or the father features in order to tell

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

i think theres no need of mentioning the colour of ur whole parentage's eyes.....eyes generally dont really r sure to be as same as their parents.........n if they even go similar then they go simialr with thier parents only not with their aunts,n uncles etc.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

Your children will almost surely have dark eyes because it is a dominant trait. I myself have dark brown eyes, however I wear blue colored contacts.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

You could have said "light eyes" rather than colored eyes, since all eyes are colored. And eye color has nothing to do with racism.

If there have been people previously in your family to have light colors, and you have children with someone who has light colored eyes, then there is a pretty good chance that one of your kids will have light colored eyes, since you probably carry the gene. But there is a higher chance for your kids to have darker eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

there are certain probabilities that ur kids have colored eyes because if ur husband has black/dark brown eyes iand u have dark brown eyes well they are certainly gonna come out with black/darkbrown it depends on who u marry and who u are

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?


Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

yeah i'm an excepert and i believe that there is about a 95% chance that your kids will have dark brown eyes and about a 5% chance that they will have lighter color eyes such as a light green or brown depending on what your bf's eye color is!!

my eyes are hazel and i know that my kids will have dark eyes will a low percentage of them being light!!

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

You are only half of the equasion -- it would also depend on the father -- dark colors are the dominant color -- If you marry a blonde haired man with blue eyes -- some of your children would probably have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Whats the probabilty that My kids will have coloured eyes ?? :-?

meaninigless question

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