I often search various media forms and the images that are presented as sexy and beautiful are white women? Recently, the beauty of Asian and Hispanic women are properly being recognized; however, does anyone ever notice that these women usually exhibit white/western aesthetics? It is evident in African American culture that the women seem to be dissatisfied with their general appearence:Evident by the use of "European Silky" hair weaves and colored contacts. There is nothing wrong with trying to enhance one's appeal; however, it always seems to lean towards an European ideal.This troubles me. For example, we all know Tyra Banks is beautiful, but could it be possible that society deems her as such because of certain "perceived" Caucasion characteristics; after all, she was the first and only black model to have graced the cover of Sports Illustrated and to be rewarded a lucrative contract with Victoria Secret. I've also read that Vogue's profits decrease when Black models are used. Why
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Well, first you have to take into account the dominant group.
If you take a look at Black-White relations, the power has always went to the Whites and the Blacks were either oppressed, enslaved, or devalued. There has always been this belief that if you want to be valuable and admired, you have to be white.
It's an awful, awful result of white oppressiveness.
Now take into account that aesthetics results from cultural acceptance. Isolated African tribes LOATHE the appearance of the white person. It's hideous. They look like their insides were turned out. Ghostly. Dead. So unappealing.
But they're isolated so they've never had to accept white power. They don't experience many white people -- and their culture does not have to accept them as the source of freedom.
But urban third and first world countries that the English and French once ruled all dominated the culture. It was difficult for anyone darker than white to be recognized as a person.
Now although racist superiority is not taught like it once was, our parents and their parents all experienced some of these teachings. Even if they did not pass down these teachings, we learn these lessons from interactions.
White men still, overall, have the power AND they are trying to keep it this way. Minority groups are usually under-represented in positions of power. Lessons do not have to be verbally taught in order for them to be accepted.
Everyone likes to believe they are valuable and everyone wants at least the opportunity for power: the most oppressed group-- black men-- realize on some level that the light women are associated with money and power and light children are associated with opportunity.
White men control the media and they definitely encourage this nonsense.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Needs to be more unmixed women shown on BET-.00001% of whites get surgery, perms produce curls not an Afro. 90% of black women straighten hair/dye blonde+wear makeup+surgery to narrow nose+blue contacts (Beyonce).Halle Berry is 50% white. Report It
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
That was an awesome answer! And I'm pleasantly surprised that it comes from a caucasian woman. Very well put! Report It
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
how does blacks suppose to look? black women don't have one particular feature we have variety. whites do not own a particular feature because variety belongs to everyone. whites are so stuck on themselves.. scary.. but we blacks know the truth and we know the true beauty of ourselves. Report It
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Because studies have been done finding that we like to choose familiar features in a mate. Basically, we are attracted more to people with features similar to ours.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
First of all I don't think Tyra is beautiful- her forehead is too big.
Second, I don't think that most men think black women are unattractive- I think it's mostly women who think that. Vogue profits would go down with a black woman on the cover because black women don't buy Vogue and maybe the white women don't think there will be anything interesting in there since there's a black chick on the cover.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
That is not entirly true. I love black women But not the BIG ones. I dont like BIG white or mex girls either. I love the tall sexy black girls I see in mags.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Black is beautiful. Why do Caucasians tan? Why do they put botox in there lips? Why do they get butt implants? WHY WHY WHY. Black is so beautiful.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
You are right. I'm bengali (Brown, but I'm not dark skinned...) and peolpe in my country are obssessed with being lighter skin coulred or having sharper noeses and bigger eyes. It's not just African people who do that. It's every where!
You're also correct when you say that teh beautiful women that most people pick form their countries always look like white people.
MAybe not in skin colour always, but they're usually lighter skinned (See aishwarya RAi!), sharper nose, etc.
It's just the human way and I don't think anyone can do anything about it. If you are conscious of the bias then you can do somethign about it.
It' sjust a sad reality of life. Tall, white men make the most money, why do you think?
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Our cultures way of saying we are not all equal.
You should do research on the magazines editors and "owners" The people behind the magazine. It will answer your question
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Girl,you are so right. It's sad, but very true. It's just the way society is today. In order to be accepted or to "fit in" many black females feel the need to "enhance their appearance with, like you said, the weaves, contacts, and other things to make themselves feel better. I think that a man, black or white will pick a person the looks like Tyra Banks or Halle Berry over someone that looks like for example India Irie or Jill Scott. That's just the way it is. Again, sad but true
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
I don't find that to be totally true. I depends on where your getting your information. There's Iman, who defiantly does not have Caucasian looks. i think most men find black women unattractive, is that the majority of black women, are loud, bossy, demanding etc. etc. i don't think it has anything to do with how the woman looks, if there was a beautiful black woman, and she had a nasty attitude, then she would be on the whole ugly. vice/versa. beauty is all in the attitude.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
This is probably because American society and Western society (which of course is wealthier) is predominantly white. It appears evident that races prefer to associate within their own race - which is true regardless where you look e.g India, China, Africa, Europe. As such the people with most of the money will tend to influence the direction of business and ultimately media images. Maybe if ever China becomes a superpower with the same kind of wealth that Western society has the media images will begin to change and Chinese features will be the preffered ideal. So in the end it is 'all about the benjamins'.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Aren't you being stereotypical by assuming "most men" find black women unattractive??
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not what the mass media tells you that it is.
In the Victorian era years, overweight milky-white skinned women were all the rage, that isn't so now. Why do you suppose that is?
On the African continent beauty is seen much differently than in the western world. So as people migrate to a specific locale, they will tend to conform to whatever "seems" acceptable and best. And who determines this??--- the media of course. Just be who you are, enhance the beauty you already have and be happy. Remember, God did not create UGLY. (that is, assumming you believe in the almighty).
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
I believe that men will look at a woman's body before they look at anything else. After that is noted and acceptable, they look at the face. A woman of Afican decent might have a broad nose and large lips which to me, is beautiful. I also believe that asian women's eyes are beautiful...indian women's noses and eyes as well...amazing. I believe what makes a woman beautiful are the traces of ethnicity that can be perceived by the naked eye.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
Again, we are talking about the people in power. Tyra banks is an average looking woman without her makeup and hair. Trust me. It goes back to whites in power dictating what is beautiful; not actually what is. let me feel you in on something sweetpea...black woman are NOT the only ones who wear colored contacts and weaves. Every actress, entertainer %26amp; model (white)at some point wears contacts and hair extentions. Do the research. As far as black women not liking who they are or being a shamed of who they are, that is BS.My avatar happens to be DARKER than my actual skin tone on purpose. I have black, Irish and native american blood. I adore dark skins. Nothing more beautiful than a dark skinned attractive person. Nothing beats it. if it was a matter of being ashamed, I would have chosen the lightest avatar i could find. My hair (natural) is probably silkier than yours! My lips, probably thinner than yours (i wish I had big lips), I wish I had a kadunkadunk, but I don't. None the less, I wouldn't change anything about me and am very proud of the gifts that God gave me.I have been called gorgeous by some, and not by others. Everyone is intitled to their opinion and I don't trip because a car accident could take it away an any minute, but I am happy that my heart is good and my mind is sound. That can't be taken way. My hair is down my back but I will wear a short wig if I feel like it. Does that mean that I am ashamed of my long hair? This is the 21st century. There is no excuse for a woman NOT to be attractive even if she was not born so. That is what weaves , makeup and contacts are for. Change. Do YOU wear makeup? Any at all? Why do you? Is it because you are ashamed of how you look naturally or merely enhancements? Most of the people you see on your TV screen have been enhanced to look beautiful. What's the problem?
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
If its white men your asking about, its prob. because THEY'RE WHITE!
If its Black men you're speaking of, its prob. because they grew up in a white society, dominated by media that caters to white preferences.
It is an observable FACT that people prefer to be around people who look like they do, and have the same culture.
How about the success of Lester Holt as an anchor on MSNBC? He sounds whiter than I am! The predominantly white audience doesn't see his race; the visual is offset by his white midwestern generic american speach pattern and accent. The fact that he sounds like a white accountant makes him intellectually credible to the majority audience. And THAT is what sells commercial air-time.
The same is true with fashion.
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
I agree with Hermosa's comment. It's a reversal. If African features were not envied then every white woman in America would not be trying to look like us. (lip injections, curling and perming their hair, breast %26amp; butt implants. Even our personal style and culture!!) African American culture and lingo is the most coppied slang and style in this country. I think beauty is not set by the standards of society or the media, although they try to because they control the media, T.V., etc. People are attractive becaue of who they are not how they look. I've met plenny of people, black, white, brown, asian, etc. and what's made them stand out in my eyes is thier personality. Love who you are! I do!!
Why do most men find black women unattractive unless they have what we deem as stereotypical white features?
cause when their stuff gets so dark it is not hot at all
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