Granted, there are some physical attributions from ourselves and others that we don't like... some go to the extremes and dislike a whole ethnic group. I am not there... but I can tell that I am more attracted to light skinned guys than darker, I love dark and curly hair more that flat blond and I have never felt a tiny bit of attraction for any Asian (except south Koreans; I don閳ユ獩 get it either).
Anyway... in a world where racism and ethnocentrisms is still common, if we all were the same, would that really fix the problem?
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
I am not sure I want me to look like me.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
No...but it seems like everyone would like to look like me.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
No, because then it would be nearly impossible to sort the male me's from the female me's, and there would be a problem trying to find a date.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
No, people would just shift the focus of stereotypes and discrimination to other things besides ethnicity, such as religion, economic class, education level, etc.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
If everyone looked like me, it'd be one sexy world.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
No. I like myself as I am but the world would be too monotonous if everybody looked the same. The differences are a part of the attraction. Let the World be as it was created by God, He knew what He was doing. By the way, there are some very beautiful Oriental women.
Would you like everyone to look just like you?
I don't get turned on by anybody that looks anything like me.
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