Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

They always talking about, well I have german in me. I have Irish in me. Oh well I'm mixed with dutch. Its different with black people when they say well I have indian in me, and you can tell BC of their hair texture. Or they be like I got Asian in me you can just tell their mixed with something.

But I feel like there is no point in a white person telling me what there mixed with BC you all look white, rich, tanned and robotic to me!

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

I don't think it's a matter of aesthetics or outward appearances. It's probably more of their pride in their heritage. I'm Asian, but I don't want to be classified as just "Asian." Specifically, I'm "Cantonese" and I'm proud of the fact that my ancestors are from the Canton region in China.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

are you nuts they dont want to mix they fall in love with the person not the race or culture its amazing how that works duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Ok.........do you feel better now?

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

It's so that they can cheat the government and receive financial assistance usually restricted to ethnic minorities.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Because we are proud of our heritage too!! It has nothing to do with looks.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

because is the truth! remember that the united states was created by foreigners. so everybody in the uss has a heritage that is ofcourse not from the uss. whats wrong on telling their heritage. black people dont say where they r from because as u said uknow where most of them come from. anyways, if a black person comes and tells u his family is from ireland i bet ud be surprised and wouldnt judge. and just fyi, not evey white is rich, or tanned or a robot!!!!.....u need to get out a little more often and meet some people not just beleive what u see in tv, or on ur block!! ok? by the way where r u from??? i bet there r also white people there where u live. and wouuld u feel ok if i critisize ur race??? dont think so....so live with it!

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

not to that extent , i'm white , but am not like that , we r all human beings , its not related to color, its related to mentality..

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

lol that's funny I'm always thinking the same when i moved to Kentucky the white people here always claim their french and Indian and i mean nothing racist about this my mothers german

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. People speak of their heritage because other people ask about it.

If you don't want to know what a white person is mixed with, then don't ask - it's really that simple. Or, if they insist on telling you, just ignore them.

And if you don't like the look of the robotic race, as you put it, don't look at them. If you live in a country where there are too many white people, move to somewhere where there are none or very few.

Problem solved.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

People can be proud of their heritage and that閳ユ獨 really what it is when someone says their Dutch and Irish. I have a friend who閳ユ獨 father is black (Nigeria) and mother is of (Scottish/Romania) heritage, my friend is proud of all her heritages. I also have a friend whose father is Irish and her mom is Korean and she too is proud of her heritages.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Ouch! Not all us white folk, or as I prefer to be called, "pigmentally challenged," are rich or tan. I myself have to fake bake to get my very pale skin the same tone as my freckles. I don't know where you live but if you go visit my moms trailer park you'll see a lot of caucasians living there.

Let go of the stereotypes and just love everyone.

Hatred is Overrated my friend.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

What does black look like to you? Where have you developed these images?

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

well, as a poor, sometimes tanned white looking person (don't know if I look robotic) I could take offense. I am also descended from German, French, Irish and Native Americans. Should I not know my lineage? Since I do, the question is moot. My european roots are just that, roots. Just like blacks in the '70s wanted to know their tribal/country affiliations in Africa. I consider myself to be the classic American mutt--a mixed heritage that isn't as important as who I am. BTW, it was once estimated that as much as 80% of blacks in America have white in them (mostly as a result of sex with former slave owners). It's not where you come from as much as where your going and how you get there.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

White people like to remember their ancestry because they are proud of it or it is fun - especially if you can go really far back in time.

P.S. Robert S has been reported.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Because they are!

Oooh! Take a good look at your question. But I am not going to go into that.

If you go from country to country in Africa they are not all just black simply because they all look black to you (as all whites look white to you) Their skin colour, features, hair and culture vary greatly. None of them would go around simply calling themselves black. They would consider it highly insulting. Where they and their parents descended from is just as important to them as it is for everyone. Germans have a different culture to the French, which have a different culture to the English which believe it or not have a different culture to the Irish etc And many of them have distinct features. A Greek, Italian, Portuguese, or Spaniards would spit fire if one confused them. White people are simply saying where they descended from. This is natural for all people. NOT ONLY WHITES!

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

Because white people in nature are curious in anyways.. So they want to be mixed up...And they have fun in experimenting of things...

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

The countries of north and south america are all very young: less than 300 years old. There is only a small percentage of us that have ancestors entirely of people native to these lands. Aren't you even slightly curious where your ancestors came from? For most of our ancestors, coming to the americas was massively difficult and often not by choice. Those stories are fascinating, and they can teach us a lot about ourselves. The people of the americas have mixed. We are the mutts of the world. You are mixed with the blood of your ancestors. You are mixed just like those white people that you are insulting. Please, read a history book. Please, stop hating people because of the color of their skin. We are all more than the sum of what we look like. You are more than the sum of what you look like.

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

I don't think there is anything wrong with being excited about your background. If African Americans were afforded the opportunity to know about were their ancestors really came from in Africa, they might boast about that as well, unfortunately unless you are part Caribbean, Asian, Indian, etc., you really don't have a distinct ancestor culture to cling to. Yes, I know Caribbean blacks came from Africa too, but their culture is defined and the closest thing some African Americans can take historical reference from. Though 'white' people may know where their ancestors came from in Europe, their actual 'whiteness' is an illusion. White people are just like the rest of us mutts. There is no such thing as a pure white person...we all came out of Africa, look it up. It's o.k. to be excited about your background culture; its where your identity lies, what you believe in, your values, what you wear and eat. But don't attach yourself so whole hearted on you race; you may come to find out that look back far enough in you history we are all just one big melting pot. You can't 'breed' the black out of your system, it is just not possible. As far as being rich, tanned, and robotic...you know that's not the case; how do you feel when people claim we all look alike and behave alike...don't feed into the stereotyping and give them an excuse to stereotype us. I am proud to claim that my father is from Trinidad and my mother is German, Dutch, Irish, and Cherokee. You can see that I am black on the outside but there is so much more going on behind the scenes; it is too bad being a 'mulatto' didn't give me good hair LOL!

Why do white people always want to be mixed with something?

I think you need a HUG and to find some way to loose your jealousy streak!

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