Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I have a big problem...?

ok, ima over weight white american who is n love with a athetic asian (who i will call chang).. how do i get him to notice me... i have many visual problems however... i am confind to a wheel chair, i have one leg, i have open sores through out my face in certain places, and i have a desiese that allows me to only grow hair on certain parts of my head... so i dnt have hair all around my head, on the front, and the left side of my head, the back and right side is open with scars that i have... i also wear glasses and has braces, and im 27... i feel like i will never find the right man to grow old with, but i really like this chang, can someone help me?

I have a big problem...?

You should become a screen writer...I understand they have openings with the strike...yuck...

I have a big problem...?

im sure he notices you just not in the way he wants to date you

I have a big problem...?

honey sorry to hear that but i seriously doubt it .

I have a big problem...?

your a weirdo and a liar..

nice try buddy!

I have a big problem...?

maybe there is something you can do too fix yourself up.... but if he's not attracted you can't make him why not just try being his friend so he can see the beauty within

I have a big problem...?

me so sorry

me no love hippo lady

- chang

I have a big problem...?

It seems you have overcome alot of obstacles in your life. If you like Chang then you might want to talk to him and see if he feels the same way. If he doesn't then no BIG deal. He may not BE the one for you. Keep you spirits up and you may meet the GUY who was meant for YOU. Best Wishes.. Beauty is in the eye of the BEHOLDER.

I have a big problem...?

Maybe you could talk to him online? Try finding him on Myspace or something. Drop him a note. Talk with him about something you have in common... I'm not sure why you have feelings for this guy, but surely there's something you can talk about. You need people to get to know you and look past the disability. That's easier online. Just be honest, and say you are in a wheelchair. You can skip the rest... it's ok that you're not a fashion model or anything. The wheel chair would be a little surprising if the guy didn't know about it though.

I really think you should see a dermatologist if there's any way you can. I have no idea what all doctors can do, I just know that these days there are a lot of options. I also think you could probably get your insurance to pay for it. I don't think this is a cosmetic issue. Those sores are a health hazard because they could get infected. Getting those cleared up will make you heathier.

As far as being overweight, there's one question to ask yourself- do you enjoy physical activity? You can't "diet" and make yourself miserable losing weight. You'll lose weight but you'll be hungry and miserable. If you don't like execise, then don't do it. You have the right to be yourself! You have the right to be happy and you will never be happy if you force yourself to do things you hate.

So IF and only if you want to exercise, I will tell you there are "bikes" you can peddle with your arms. They are very challenging and will make you stronger and use a lot of calories. Many gyms have one. If you can't join a gym or don't want to, there are nifty little exercise machines you can use at home that only involve your arms. I found a little gadget like that for around 40 dollars. It's called a pedal exerciser and although they show someone using it with their feet, you can also use it with your arms. Google it if you think that sounds fun.

You can also try using a manual wheelchair (if you have an electric). Maybe just use it for a little bit, just take it around the block or something. Again, only if this sounds fun. Don't do it for some guy. If a guy wants you to do things you hate, he's a jerk.

As far as hair goes, you can choose to wear a wig or not. I don't see anything wrong with it really. A lot of women wear padded bras and such, right?

I have a big problem...?

well what happened to the interacial guy you were seeing a couple months ago? things didn't work out.. get a life.

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