Sunday, July 26, 2009

What causes...?

What causes Asian people to have slanty eyes?

What causes Irish people to have red hair and freckles?

What causes traits like that in other countries?

What causes...?

Asians have an extra flap of skin above their eye causeing their eyes to appear smaller and slantier, but their eyes are normal size, its just that flap makes the eyes appear smaller.

What causes...?

Genetics, and stop being racist!

What causes...?

it is caused by people like you asking question like that. it makes them so made they squint to hard out of anger

What causes...?

I am about 50% irish (along with some other nationalities like 25%english a little french and some other things like soctish and stuff) and I dont have red hair or freckles those are general ideas that people of those nationalities look like that.

I dont know what causes different traits in different countries. Sorry. =)

What causes...?

that is a real good question, maybe because in the begging of that country, everyone was related so, it just runs in the genes.

and this is a very good question and it is not being racist.

What causes...?

Damn you, Asians don't have slanted eyes. Their eyelids are bigger b/c is cold where they live, it's just an adaptation!!



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