Friday, July 24, 2009

How gay is she?

Just a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being extremely straight and 10 being extremely gay) based on the following facts:

1. Does not like males touching her.

2. Does not like touching males.

3. Claims to like Asian Pop Stars (if I may note, are very feminine)

4. Hasn't claimed to like a real male in about 3 years.

5. Took off her "Interested In: Men" on Facebook.

6. Totally accepting of gays (I am and she was fine when I came out to her).

7. Has a gay aunt (if you think genetics matter).

8. Flirts with girls (but this can be a very straight thing as well)

9. Has not officially claimed a sexuality anywhere (out loud, online, etc.)

10. Has mainly male friends.

11. Turns down male suitors all the time.

12. Dresses neither too butch nor too femme.

13. Has short flippy hair.

14. Does wear minimal makeup.

15. In general, not very sensitive and emotional.

Sorry this probably seems absolutely silly, but before I approach her with this question, I'd like to know what you guys think.

How gay is she?

if she removed her "interested in men" on facebook.. thats a big sign. Not having feelings for any male in 3 years might not be anything homosexual.. she could easily have trust issues, or something a little deeper. buuut.. based on everything else, i'd say she's gay, or trying to decide whether she is or not. my rate = 6 or 7

How gay is she?

I think you're gay.

How gay is she?

8 1/2

How gay is she?

Sounds like you want her to be gay.

How gay is she?

lol ditto

How gay is she?

8-9 somewhere around there

How gay is she?

Just ask her. If she didn't care when you came out I doubt she would care if you asked. In the end, that is the only way you will know one way or the other.

How gay is she?

She is lesbian sounds to me. But I don't know as I love a MAN.

How gay is she?

I'd say she's about 7 to 8 on the lezbo chart.

How gay is she?

she is prob straight but experimental.

Everything you wrote sounds like me.


How gay is she?

srry but there isnt such thing as being super gay. if youh are youh are. and just cuz most of her friends are guys doesnt make her gay

How gay is she?

she likes to be alone

How gay is she?

i have most of those qualities (save for the gay aunt) and I'm straight. i can be VERY playful around girls, because I'm very comfortable around them, but that doesn't make me homosexual. Same goes for your friend. Just because she turns down a lot of guys, doesn't necessarily mean she hates them, just hasn't found the right one.

How gay is she?

she's gay-8.9 not obviously gay but gay nonetheless

How gay is she?

it depends...if shes gay isnt that a good thing? lol girls are gay and boys are lesbians cause they like girls and girls like boys ^.^ but what do i know....honestly that thing you said that she took off her facebook might be somthing to look into. just ask her why she did it. hope this helps!!

How gay is she?

"Gay" is just a label. I would not try to limit her with just a general judgment. She does not sound like she is interested in a relationship with a male right now. But a girl can change her mind.

How gay is she?

if you have to wonder "how gay is she" maybe she's by maybe when you get the nerve,that should be your question

How gay is she?

9 1/2

How gay is she?

3 and a half.

this sounded like me 5 yrs ago minus the flirting with girls part %26amp; liking Asian poptarts, but i loved the hell out of men.

I'd say it depends on how you feel and think. If you think of being with men, have an attraction to men and prefer men as partners I'd say not gay.

If you have a strong attraction to females and have the "special feeling" when around girls I guess you're gay.

How gay is she?

Well idk about her.... but it sounds like you are.

How gay is she?


How gay is she?

i would say 7!!!!

How gay is she?

we all know these broads, total unichs, for now , probably just low self esteem and way too picky so stuff never happens. either way good luck to u

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