-straightening hair
-using skin lightening creams
-wearing blue/green contacts
-glorifying those within our race (Africans, Latinos and Asians) with lighter skin (especially women)
-denouncing persons of color as "sell outs" for speaking well
Before, you deny that this sentiment exists:
-look at the black women in music videos
-look at the Asian stars (esp. in Hong Kong)
-look at the Latina celebrities (conquistadores)
I remember as a little kid being told that I was "lucky" for having light skin by own family.
It is time to reclaim our beauty. People of color, I ask you this, why do we practice self-hatred? I, too, am guilty. I don't have any answers, but I hope that soon we can have an open forum to discuss what has plagued our communities for way too long.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? not all but for those who do, they do because they see themselves through white/the majority's eyes. they don't see themselves with their own eyes as authentic human beings. they view themselves through a framework of ideas given to them by hegemonistic white society.
the reason is because you're influenced by the majority. that's the case with any minority group in any majority group's environment, in other parts of the world.
however, if you're gonna promote your group as anything special or superior to others, doesn't matter if it's the majority or minority group, then you are promoting further racism, which would make you no different than those you accuse of being racists.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? When in Rome...do as the Romans do.
When in white America...
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? Those that do are lost and ashamed of their own selves. I don't do this. My hair is naturally curly and looks like my Avatar. It is natural and no one else's. I have my natural color of skin. I don't wear contacts, they're pretty just like they are. I don't glorify anyone but the Divine; no human is to be glorified. I denounce no one. I try to uplift. See , I think you are the one who has it backwards. You are the one who is generalizing while I am over here just being me; none of those things you wrote about.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? Who exactly is force feeding you this stuff? I'd rather you picked up the ideals of personal responsibility rather than blaming "Whitey" for anything and everything that you do. Because YOU practice self-hatred every minority does? I can tell you that my Puerto Rican husband, who is from the island, doesn't hate himself nor does my son who, incidentally, will get grief for not looking "Latino" enough--I've already been told he can't possibly be Puerto Rican because he so light-skinned. This kind of thing runs both ways, but people like you never admit that.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? I agree. It is unneccessary to change to try to get others to "love" you. I have to tell you though..it is normal human nature to try to fit into the group...so don't beat yourself up too much. I straighten my hair sometimes because it can be very very wild and most of my friends have straight hair. Also..notice how many whites will purposely go out and get skin cancer to look much darker than normal. People are silly.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? White supremacy has been able to divide us. I could go into every nook and cranie, but lets keep it simple. Whats the easiest way to divide people, male and female. Males, while growing up, are always feared by others, and taught they are of lesser, especially by white men. So some of the brotha's feel they need to go get a white women just to be equal to a white man. As far as females, I might be wrong (and this is not for every female!) when people receive welfare they get more money if the male is not around. So when you have a system that almost appalauds getting rid of the man of the house, its destructive. That is what led to the whole "independent women" stuff, which seems to be only in the black community.
And as a side note just because someone is light skinned doesn't mean they have white in them (thats a ploy in itself). People from Africa naturally vary in skin tones.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? What makes you think that pride in our beauty means we can't do things like having straighter hair, or being lighter skinned? There are white people who change their looks all the time and no one criticizes or guilt trips them for it. So why do we put each other through all this crap regarding personal choices?
Just because a black person elects to have lighter color hair or contacts doesn't mean self-loathing any more than white women who get suntans or plump their lips with collagen want to be black. Each to their own. If you're comfortable in your own skin, you won't be worried about what others do.
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? i think you mean externalize. internalize means to carry it around without expression.
that being said, my dad grew up on a reservation, my mother was a russian half breed from asia. my dad's parents were half breeds. he ended up with red hair, blue eyes, and a distinctive native american look. my uncle had the black hair, black eyes, but with a white bread look. my mother has the russian features, but black hair and very pale brown eyes.
my hair is wavy, light brown with natural red streaks depending on the time of year, i was born with blue eyes that changed to pale brown, i'm petite and have naturally golden skin.
i don't dress up or down to be like white women. i dress how i feel, and walk to my own drum. if folk don't like my skin color or call me jap, when i'm more native american indian, i blow em off. be yourself, and feel proud of it. you don't need to go around waving a cultural flag. if you're asked to choose, tell them you are who you are, and trying to label yourself is not you. good luck to all of you who are working hard on trying to find yourselves! =)
Why do we minorities internalize the white ideals we are force fed? I think you dont have to do anything....
Even if you "feel" that anyone is feeding you the ideals you still have your sanity and your originality to make sense of whats right for you and whats not!
Just be yourself....and yes there are "ideas" and I can see where you are coming from....but in this day of the 21st century because of media and open sources we often know right from wrong...
If people are not happy with how you look then BUGGER them....its your life..no one can make you feel bad unless you LET THEM =)