Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

I'm 16, short 5'0. I never thought of myself as ugly, pretty even. I'm asian and I'm usually complimented on my soft flowy hair and eyes. I admit I can be shy when it comes to guys. I do get the occasional stares and smiles of passing guys, but I wouldn't even imagine any of them ever apporaching me. Is there something wrong with me? I don't mean to sound insecure or anything, but I'm beginning to think that I'll never find someone for me.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Guys your age aren't looking for someone as special as you. They're looking for a fling, and it sounds like you don't meet that requirement. Don't get too desperate and sell yourself short. Just wait it out and you'll find someone.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

You're only 16, don't worry so much.

You have your entire adult life to worry about it. (from say 19 onwards)

Stress less =)

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

sounds nice but way to young

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Gee whiz girl, you are only 16 - I'm 37 and I have trouble getting a date. You have a long, long way to go yet.

Maybe guys your age are intimidated by your beauty - maybe they think that you have someone already.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

um...guys your age won't do that

you shouldn't think about having guys appraoch you at your age too

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

hey! put yourself out there..i was like you..very shy, now i introduce myself to people who i don't know and it's make many friends that way..and guys too..good luck!

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

You are young don't think that at all. You will find a guy when you least expect it. Be ready and quit being shy. You only live once.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

i will be ur friend ........ all will be well

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

You are too good for them and you inyimidate them dont worry about it girl

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

u say ur kinda shy around guyz? maybe they think u should be more sociable. if its not tat, then dont wry the right smone will come along someday i kno a ton of ppl who only started going out until they were nneteen or even twenty. dont wry about it.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Try smiling more. Make longer eye contact. Flirt some. If that doesn't work, then all the guys at your school must be gay!

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Don't worry about it. Many guys are probably just scared and afraid of rejection. I had the same experience in H.S., you'll live!

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

This is going to be hard but try not to think about the subject, let it come to you naturally (if that makes sense). Try not to think about that "one" guy or you might not find that guy, because the more you look and the harder you look you might miss that "one." So just have fun with your friends. And anyway you're only 16 try being 23 and having those thoughts. It hurts more when you are older. But I've learned not to think about the subject anymore. I go and have fun with friends. When I meet that person it will naturally happen.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Don't call us men immuture. Maybe they (the men) don't approach you becuase they might think you sooo hott that you must have a boyfriend...and don't wanna steal you. You could approach them instead.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Don't worry, it's all very confusing at that age and the boys are pretty immature. When you get older hopefully you meet someone who cares more about you than your looks. For now, take it easy and enjoy school and your friends

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

maybe its the asian thing. i personally would love to date an asain but i don't know if i would really approach one because i doubted they would go with me. plus you are at an age where guys are generally still learning their pick-up moves, and the ones that are already "pros" at it probably are jerks and fakes. people you don't want to deal with.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

you dont have anything to worry about, im 21 and i have troublel getting a date, you have time, just relax and it will happened

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

Yeah....16 is way to young for you to be stressing about guys yet.

Make sure that your ready for your college entrance exams first, get a good education, start a career, become succesful so that you can always support yourself. Then worry about some guy.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

They probablly do'nt aproach you for the same reason that you do'nt approach them.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

U r only 16. Otherwise I'd go for u. Don't worry there's enough time. and don't be shy. There are many decent ways of showing interest in opposite sex .which people are bound 2 appreciate.

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

if you are pretty, then you have pretty woman syndrome, guys either think you already have someone else, or they fear rejection because they think they are not good looking enough, most pretty girls continue through life alone or with another woman because of man's own ignorance when it comes to a thing of beauty! love rocks!

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

cuz they love u

Why don't guys ever thinks of approaching me..?

you are so young to worry about this but people seem to sense that you feel a certionway about yourself and stay away. its in your bodylanguage and eyecontact and the way you talk (in your voice) ect. at least that is what i have found out.

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