I'm seeing more and more asians especially asian girls bleach their skin to make it nice and white, wear colored contacts, dye their hair blond, and now their making their eyes big. My friend is Korean and she is jealous of me because I have white skin, light brown wavy hair, and green big eyes. She keeps on trying to get with my brother just because he is white. I know this because she even told me this herself. Her parents actually want her to marry a white guy because they believe that they have money, and if not a white guy then for her to find a half asian half white guy, and if not that then a Korean guy. I find this to be self hatred and a bit racist on her and her family's part. My brother has a girlfriend and she's Mexican. My friend had the nerve to tell him to leave the ugly brown girl and get yourself a nice asian girl. She wants to get pregnant by a white guy because she wants her children to look white and not asian. Is she crazy or is this just asian culture?
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I know a lot of asians wanting to look white. Most of them don't have them compare themselves to whites... they have bigger eyes.. lighter hair... colored eyes... taller. Asians don't realize that a lage percentage of white men will be attracted to white girls because they forget they're living in NORTH AMERICA. Not all Asians want to be white but most of the do because they don't like their features. Personally, I find East Asians to be very unattractive.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I am an Asian, and I sometimes aspire to other races, but not these ones who think their race is the number one? And sometimes I want to get some looks change, so I bleach my hair, but I dont wanna be a White at all... orz Report It
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
No way!!! it mostly the other way around. White guys like asians. about the eyes thing...there are actually asians girls who were born with their eyes big and yes they make their eyes big now but it mostly viet people. Report It
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
they think its looks pretty. having white skin looks very pretty if its nature, but if it bleached or chemically done, it looks very scary, like a dead person...
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I dunno how you can bleach your skin white. She's probably just crazy...
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
i want to be white and I'm Asian. It's because of many reasons actually.
one of which is because I am discriminated 99.99999999999% of the time. Thats actually a big reason.
Another possible reason is that Asians are Homoegenous, meaning that almost all Asians look the same, and wouldn't you feel boring if you looked the same as anyone else?
And also, big eyes are the fad in Asia now, so that might answer the big eye thing....
I have a huge long explanation for this, but I'm tired of typing. :P
Sorry I couldn't help more.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
i think it's asians in general
i'm hispanic, and i don't want to be white... so generic =P i don't get it.
(NOT that all asians want to be white or anything %26lt;= covering my a$$)
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I don't know about Asians wanting to be white, but some Asians think it's much prettier to have lighter skin. %26amp; I don't know why she would want to marry a white guy specifically unless she were living in Korea because overseas they think if you're a white guy, you're pretty much rich. Oh, %26amp; since she is Korean, Koreans tend to have the smallest eyes compared to all the other Asian ethnicities (it often looks like they're closed--much more than Chinese people), so I suppose she wants mixed children so they don't have tiny eyes.
You can't say this goes for all Asians. I know in Japan, where I grew up, %26amp; in the Philippines, where my mom is from, they're really into hip hop %26amp; gettings tans so they're not so pale (because they don't want to look like a 'white' person..). %26amp; some other Asians are very traditional %26amp; would rather their children stick with their own ethnicity %26amp; I've even had friends who admitted they're hardly attracted to anyone that isn't Asian.
It's not really part of Asian culture. It's all about personal preference.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
After World War II, many Asian societies and countries began to adopt "western" practices in an attempt to immitate the victors of that war.
As you have noticed, they are doing very well at it.
Not only could one mention what you have but one could also pointout that now in India, Japan, China and Korea, as in many of the other Asian countries, homelessness, elder abuse, child abuse, disrespect for others, general criminality and lawlessness, ammoral and immoral behaviors, greedy forms of capitalism and pollution (just like the "Western countries" have produced for a century or more) are all on the rise and have become problematic.
Once truly beautiful cultures have gladly traded in their traditional ideals for "Coke-a Cola, blue jeans, drugs, rock and roll, easy money and sex".
Such a sad and perverse situation clearly shows why some people and religions of the world are actively opposing the colonization of the globe by the United States, although the methods some of these groups have chosen to do so are horrible and lead them to be just as bad or worse than those whom they are opposing.
May it all be wll with you.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
mongrels will never be like chinese, pure,mighty, and great
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
You're talking about some Korean girl(not once about Japanese or Chinese).
How could you generalize from an individual?
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
She's really crazy, though some asian parents do encourage their kids to marry white people though to have a good looking fair skinned kid. I think she needs to stop calling someone ugly if she wants a white looking child so bad. She sound like a hater, good thing your brother has real taste to not date wanna be's.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I have no clue, but I have noticed that also. Like why do Asian people with OBVIOUSLY black hair get blonde highlights and wear blue contacts! I don't understand it. Don't get me wrong, but sometimes I think they are nothing but a race of followers. I'm not racist, but I just get tired of seeing sights so ridiculous. I think immigrants to this country try to imitate the most similar race to theirs to fit in. I've noticed this with other races, but I won't comment, because I may really look like a racist then. I guess it get's really hard being the only one of your race at work, in the classroom, etc. It would for me. Luckily, I've been in mostly diverse environments.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
I am Japanese and I know your Korean friend's feeling.
I'm not sure all Asian people want to be white....but, I' sure many Japanese girl think white people are cool and beautiful. It is kind of admiration or they are enthusiastic about White people.
If you walk around the street in Japan, you can see a lot of girls whose appearance are like white people. It is common that to dye hair blown even for little children. I do not think they are crazy but they really like white people's appearance.
Japanese sometimes follow American fashion. In Japanese fashion magazines, American people's fashion and cosmetics are reported. Some people think they want to be a white. It may also influence Japanese girl's fashion.
Also, I think America plays an important role in the world, in terms of economics. In fact, Japan also depends on America. I guess it is one of the reason Japanese (or Asian) people think they want to be like American, or white people.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
Why should Asian women be criticized for dying their hair and wearing colored contacts? Just because they are born with black hair and brown eyes, they have to maintain it all the time? What about White women who dye their hair or White women who wear colored contacts? I mean, why stop there? Why not just cease all production of colored contacts as they are a source for people to alleviate the shame of their identity?
People need to get a grip. Maybe Asian womendye their hair and wear colored contacts because they happen to like the way it looks on them? Plus, why only attack Asian women? What about White women who sometimes wear traditional Chinese dresses?
As for your Korean's friend's parents. Either they did not convey their message clearly or your friend simply misunderstood. They probably just think that she would have more opportunities in life if she were to marry into a White family, being as White people, although are technically the minority now in the US, still seem to dominate many fields of business, law, etc.
But, I bet if your friend becomes extremely successful in the future, her parents would have a different set of advice for her, in regards to the culture that she should marry into.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
Asians have been bleaching there skin for decades! They believe fair skin is pretty and don't look good dark or tanned. My hair is black and I think bleaching it would look ridiculous!! And I also think green eyes are really pretty. I don't really like blue eyes or blonde hair too much. I love brown hair or black. (not together)
And no asians don't think whites have money if they live in america, that's just in asia. They think whites are hansome....SOME or asians.
What about whites? wearing kimonos or dying their hair black? (not goths or emos) or wearing color contacts? or tanning to be really dark? people don't say they wanna be black or asian.
Why Do East Asians (Chinese,Japanese,Koreans, and) Want To Be White???
look at their anime its all white skinned and Blondie haired people and blue eyes....
And they respect white people a lot and never say anything negative ever...ask anyone to think even on TV if they saw an Asian say anything bad about white people, not that they should...
Asian people have a different personality than other races.. e.g. they work hard more and work hard on their education...
they seem calm, quite shy, low confidence and not wanting trouble is the impression i get..
they are also dull and similar looking or boring sometimes(not trying to be offensive) which causes them to become self conscience maybe.. i am not too sure ask an asian...
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ReplyDeleteIm half asian(filipino) american and lil bit swedish&irish. Even though I am not japanese I wish to be white like them. i have doll eye but with my skin and hair i can't look pretty and attractive like some. Seems stupid yea but id look good as a harijuku or kawaii lolita if i was naturally white(my pic is about 5 years oldXD)